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Lab Director: Dr. Katie Gilligan-Lee

The Cognition, Development and Learning Lab is based at University College Dublin and is led by Dr. Katie Gilligan-Lee. Our research focuses on how an understanding of cognitive development can be used to inform and improve education.Our research extends to children with both typical and atypical development. 

The lab has a particular interest in spatial cognition (understanding features of objects and their relations with one another) and in improving children's Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) outcomes. We use a range of methodological approaches including: secondary analysis of nationally representative cohort study data; meta-analyses; cross-sectional experimental-based approaches to studying development; intervention-based research; neuroimaging; and qualitative approaches (e.g., children's drawings, interviews). 

We advocate for the use of open and transparent research. We also practice collaborative science and work closely with other labs around the world, in particular the CoGDeV lab at the University of Surrey led by Prof. Emily Farran. 

Our lab also strives to generate research impact by engaging with stakeholders including teachers, children, and their families. 

We are very fortunate our research and related impact activities have been funded by organisations including Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, the Baily Thomas Charitable Fund, the British Academy, the Education Endowment Foundation, the Centre for Educational Neuroscience, the Williams Syndrome Foundation, and the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account .

Kids Playing with Lego
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June 23,2024

We are advertising a 20-month post-doctoral research position in the lab. The post-holder will undertake development, research and evaluation activities associated with the Junior Engineer Development Initiative (JEDI). For more 

information please see here

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